Cja 354 Criminal Law Evaluation

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Criminal Law Evaluation CJA 354 August 29, 2011 Criminal Law Evaluation Criminal law is evolving to keep the criminal justice system alive. Criminal law models itself to the behavior of criminals. As people grow in knowledge to break the law, the punishment becomes greater for each crime. At least that is what has happened in the past. Now with the overcrowding of prisons, criminal law is changing once again. In this paper the sources and purposes of criminal law will be explained. Facts on jurisdiction information will be described in order to define where the laws are enforced and created. Max Weber said that, the “primary purpose of law is to regulate the flow of human interaction” (Schmalleger, Hall, & Dolatowski, 2010 p 15). Human interaction is either kind or harmful. The intention of one…show more content…
The Bill of Rights is what contains most of the perimeters of authority that the government has to control the people (Schmalleger, Hall, & Dolatowski, 2010). These rights are for the protection of the people from not only the government but from each one of us. Jurisdiction for the laws is contained not only in entire country but is broken down by federal, state, county, and city governments. The basis if any laws comes from the Constitution as a clear foundation of all laws. Laws protect the people wherever we roam in this country. Of course there is natural and common laws that add a twist to mandated laws. Another jurisdiction definition would be crossing borders between one state to another, or simply being outside or within city or county limits. The jurisdiction for juveniles is different than it is for an adult. Subject matter jurisdiction discusses the nature of a situation. Power is given to the court to listen to testimony and know the facts of a crime and sorts them out to keep order of the evidence given and a record is kept to keep the facts in order (Gray,
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