Classical Conditioning Paper

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PSY/ 390 May 05, 2014 Professor Chelsea Hansen Classical Conditioning Paper Abstract: Throughout this paper a theory of classical conditioning will be described and detailed. A selected scenario in which I the writer was able to apply a classical conditioning theory. The description of the scenario will be detailed as well as demonstrated on a chart which was prepared in order to illustrate how someone would apply a classical conditioning theory to the selected scenario. It is important to remember that classical conditioning is a technique that is used in primarily behavioral training. Usually it is when a naturally occurring stimulus is paired with a responsive stimulus. Afterwards a more previously neutral stimulus is then paired with the more naturally occurring stimulus. The outcome is that the previously neutral stimulus comes in to evoke and the response is without the presence of the naturally occurring stimulus. The most common names given to the two following elements are known as the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned responses. Classical conditioning came to life through the hard work and dedication from the well world renowned investigations of Psychologist Ivan Pavlov. Pavlov Born September 14, 1849 in Russia knew from very early he loved the study of psychology and worked hard on focusing on the Classical Conditioning theory “Operant and classical conditioning are two different ways in which organisms come to reflect the order of the environment around them” ( Charles, 2014). Using an example regarding a Dog in purposes such as to sit or training my partner to clean the house is perfect especially when trying to demonstrate classical conditioning and its theories “Dogs likely were the first animals to be domesticated and as such have shared a common environment with humans for over ten thousand years. Only recently, however, has
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