Common Sense Rhetorical Analysis

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“Common Sense” was the pamphlet written by Thomas Paine which was published in 1776 in which he talks about why there is need for American independence and argues for self-governed nation. Paine uses the basic format of proposal and even after so many years, this piece of writing remains of the best written articles in the history of United States. Paine used the common language of the people which helped him prove his point more effectively. Paine begins his argument with the basic and theoretical reflections about the British Government and then explains more about the specifics of colonial situation. He then gives various evidences which were easily interpretive and understandable by the common American. Firstly, he gives the difference between the society and the government. While proving his point and giving evidences, he uses several biblical references. Paine launches a direct attack on British Empire stating that its system is too complex and unfair for the entire continent of North America. Paine also discusses the defects of monarchy and hereditary succession. He uses biblical references to prove these notions. He says that all men are equal and what distinguishes king and his subjects is some unnatural reason. He explains this by giving examples of Gideon and Samuel. Paine also calls hereditary succession an abdominal practice. He criticizes the people who were in favor of British Empire saying that Britain watched America only for economic well-being. He also says that British don’t deserve American loyalty because they have been attacking American colonies. According to him, the solution to this problem is independence from the British and for that he also proposed the form of Government which had equal opportunities for all. Paine directly appealed to colonies to separate from the British Empire. He says “Wherefore, since nothing but blows will
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