Community Health Nursing Task 4

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In the event of a disaster, public health personnel responds to the populations health concerns by assessing and implementing strategies to help the community during an emergency crisis. Their role is to develop action plans to ensure the community’s health issues are being address. Public health personnel provide safety to the community by helping families and individuals have a continuity of health care, assessing health care needs, and preventing injuries and diseases. They also make sure that the communities affected by a disaster will have the necessary medical resources, food and clean water supply available. Medical staffs including public health nurses also have an essential role to the community during a disaster. Community health nurses assists in providing care, preventing diseases and injuries, and also promoting health to the community. They are very important to a disaster response. As a community health nurse, they are prepared to handle emergency situations. Nurses apply assessments and critical thinking. They serve as health educators and provide emotional support to the community. Community Health Nurses are big contributors to help protect the safety and health of the population. During the simulation of “Disaster in Franklin County,” an Incident Command System was first activated in the emergency response to the community affected by the disaster. An incident command system enables a management approach response for planning and facilitating during a disaster. It is a structured form of chain of command to help respond in an organize manner. A team of leaders are assigned to help with managing, planning, operations, logistics and finances. Below is a list of Incident Command System in ranking order: • Incident Commander – The main person who is in charge of the whole operation. He establishes objectives and develops strategies to

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