Compare And Contrast Marcus And Graccitus

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In the Roman times, people had few civil rights. In two pieces of literature, Gaius Gracchus and Tacitus had many differences in their writings including their purpose for writing and the time periods they wrote in. They are similar, however, in their concerns with the behaviors of the Roman officials. Gracchus and Tacitus both have different forms of expressing their view points. Gracchus gave a speech in 130 B.C. while the other is a historical piece of writing because Tacitus wrote it in the early second century, years after the event happened. Although Gracchus and Tacitus had two different forms to speak what they had in mind, they also had a different purpose for giving their message to the citizens. Gracchus gave his speech to remind the citizens about how abusive the…show more content…
One similarity they had was that they both were concerned with the behaviors of the government officials. Government officials were being too abusive with the way they were treating people like the story of Marcus Marius. Because his people didn’t do one job right, he was being beaten for something that he didn’t even do. The government didn’t beat the people who were the ones who actually cleared the baths and cleaned them up for the consul’s wife. Another example would be when Augustus’s grandson was assassinated while Tiberius was in power. Even though Tiberius knew about the staff-officer killing Agrippa Postumus (Augustus’s grandson), Tiberius didn’t say anything to the senate. Instead, he pretended that the orders came from Augustus, who was alleged to have instructed the colonel in charge to kill Agrippa Postumus as soon as Augustus himself was dead. Even though both of the stories have a different view point, the overall point of the two stories is similar. In both stories, the government does something that is unjust to the people. Marius was beaten to death and Postumus was
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