Comparing Thoreau's Pond And Civil Disobedience

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Walden’s Pond & Civil Disobedience Short Answers • To Thoreau, simplicity was more than a mode of life, it was a philosophical ideal. It was the second method he implied to resolving dissatisfaction in one’s possessions. Thoreau believed that anything more than what are useful are not only an extravagance, but a real impediment and disadvantage. For example, Thoreau patches his clothes instead of buying new ones and eliminates all accessories he finds unnecessary. Thoreau also builds his own shack instead of getting a bank loan to buy one, and enjoys the leisure time that he can afford by renouncing unnecessary expenditures. Ironically, he points out, those who pursue more “extra-vagant” possessions actually have fewer possessions than…show more content…
It implies that to truly live life, one must seek simplicity, harmony with nature, and to follow one’s own path. Thoreau strongly believes and advocates that those who live lives of luxury and in mainstream culture created by the Industrial Revolution aren’t really living. He believes this illusion of progress impedes man’s spiritual transcendence, true happiness, and understanding of the essential facts of life. Thoreau’s advice encourages one to rid of superfluous possessions and social activities so as to lead as simple and "bare bones" a life as possible. The advice explains that “life near the bone is sweetest.” The simple life (i.e. that which lived close to the bone) is "sweetest" because it is more soul-enriching and has fewer complications. Thoreau’s advice further advocates that one should enjoy each and every day to its fullest as seen in the quote, “If the day and the night make one joyful, one is successful.” Thoreau also believes that one should seek one’s own path regardless "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." By doing so, men may find happiness and…show more content…
He means that if the venture needs you to be anyone else but yourself, it will lead to no good. This reveals to me that Thoreau believes strongly in the individual, being yourself, and seeking your own path. This quote is also applicable to modern life because many ventures nowadays require you to conform for some purpose. The second aphorism I remembered is “Our life is frittered away by detail...Simplicity, simplicity.” Thoreau means that our focus and attention to detail now in society and culture do nothing but to waste our lives away needlessly. He believes simplicity is the better choice. This quote reveals about Thoreau that he is a simplest and seeks to find the essential facts of life. The quote is definitely applicable today because of our dependence on technology and material possessions. Another aphorism would be “I have lived some thirty years on this planet, and I have yet to hear the first syllable of valuable or even earnest advice from my seniors.” He means that no elder or wise man has ever offered him anything of use during his life because their advice concerned the “trivial” aspects of life, and he seeks only simplicity. This shows Thoreau cares not for what the recognized “seniors” have to offer because they offer only useless

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