Comparison Of Grades And Money By Steve Vogel

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Learning Against Grades In this society, students are encouraged to pursue a higher education after graduating from high school. Yet, each individual has a different reason for desiring to move on to college. Students attend college either because they want to increase their knowledge, get a decent paying job after college, or they just want to get the “college” experience instead of going on to the working force after high school. As a first-year college student, I pictured college to be a “… place for learning and growth…” (Jerry Faber, 387), but I was slightly wrong. Everyday I stress over earning a good grade in my classes, instead of being driven to learn the material of the course. Grades should not be used to measure a person’s intelligence…show more content…
In “Grades and Money” by Steve Vogel, the author mentions, “… they talk about their grades all the time”(Page 389). Students rarely speak about what they are learning from the course, which is what education is all about. They don’t understand that grades just show if you passed or failed the course. Instead of taking a course that they are interested in, students take courses that they will be able to earn a high grade. “By tying grades to money, we give students incentives not to take risks” (Vogel, 392) that stop them from choosing challenging courses in college. Students find easier courses through word of mouth or websites that previous students rate their professor in. I always ask people who previously took the course I am interested in whether or not I have a chance of passing the course with a C or higher. Students are afraid of putting their grade point average at risk because the grade point average is a component of the application process that helps colleges decide who to accept. . Yet, grades just show the labor and effort you put in to pass the

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