Criminal Justice Ethics Case Study

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Criminal Justice Ethics A case, where a woman was found assaulted, raped, and left for dead, is brought to my desk. An investigation was under way and two juveniles were brought in for questioning because they were seen in the area of the crime on that same evening. The two juveniles belong to a gang who have been known to cause gang-related activities. The juveniles were placed in two separate interrogation rooms and questioned by my partner. My partner informs me that he allegedly obtained a confession but did not perform a video recording or call the juveniles parents. I understand that crime has changed over the years with our youth. Juveniles are committing crimes at a very young age, and the level the crimes are violent. It seems that today's juvenile offenders are usually a part of a gang of some sort. This has produced more work for law enforcement and has caused a lot of frustration with police officers. Even though that frustration can cause an officer to do what he believes is ethically correct according to his own beliefs, that officer is required to follow the judicial systems code of conduct and ethics. He ultimately has to do what is legally right. Knowing the facts of the case and the actions of my partner I choose to inform my supervisor of what has occurred. I will have to report the…show more content…
Instead of trying to lie and cover up his unethical actions, I am choosing to do what is ethically correct according to my profession and deontological ethics. Although I could not fully control his actions, I do have full control over what I choose to do. Deontological ethics states that it is wrong to brake the law to try and accuse an individual of a crime that they might not have caused in the first place. Juveniles have many rights under the law. As protectors of that law it is our duty to respect those rights and follow the rules set forth before
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