Critical Artical Summary

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Name Ahmed Professor Kim Sasser Class 2350 Date 07 March 2012 Critical Article Summary Schwartz , Nina .”No Place Like Home : The Logic Of The Supplement In Jane Eyre .”Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte . Ed.Beth Newman.Bedford Case Study In Criticism.2Nd Ed.Boston:Bedford, 1996.549- 64. Print. Schwartz in her essay” No Place like home “in Jane Eyre starts with many issues like Jane’s childhood as ” victim of forces and her bad luck on the one hand and the bad behavior of adults on the other hand ” (549) . Schwartz mentioned a good example when “ Jane was infant, who was orphaned by the death of her parents, and how Jane became the ward of a woman who always abused ,then she moved on to explain when Jane was as a little girl , who experienced her circumstances as arbitrary , which were beyond her power to change , also she explains the gap that happened in Jane’s childhood and her adultness and how she represents herself and how that ambiguity run” (549) . Schwartz on her essay went on to apply Derrida’s concepts of deconstruction on one hand like “split” and “the binary oppositions”. As she also investigates Jane’s family name and explains what her name means in Latin, also on this part of her essay on the other hand she go back to Freud big impact on the novel and used his psychological concept which is “the family romance “ that she thoroughly apply it on her essay and how Jane’s narrative embody the double wish in her novel like “original and derived, free and bound, an orphan and an heir” (553). Schwartz said that we have to over look the ambivalent representation of home and family that run throughout the novel (553). She gives a good example “how the ambivalence about home is manifested in the slippage of the family name Eyre” (554) .Also how Rochester and St. John are victimized by the trap that is family and how Jane herself escapes it. As she
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