Cyberbullying and Sexting

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Cyberbullying and Sexting Cyberbullying and Sexting are two technological abuses that have societal and environmental effects on students and adults today. Siegle (2010) commented, “According to an AP-MTV (2009) poll, more than 75% of 14- to 24-year-olds believe that digital abuse is a serious problem for people their age. Yet, only about half believe that what they post online could come back to hurt them” (p. 15). This in itself creates a problem, in character education because rebellious students hide behind devices instead of being accountable for their actions. The use of cell-phones, gaming and the internet is communication tools of choice for this generation. No one seems to have time for face to face discussion, but they rather communicate preferably through digital devices. What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying as stated by (Norrander) consists of, “Bullying through email, instant messaging, in a chat room, on a website or gaming site, through digital messages or images sent to a cellular phone and blogs.” (Slide 2). In essence, Cyberbullying is the inappropriate use of a technological device to harass, degrade or defame another. Students and adults today, feel pressure from their peers to resolve issues without direct contact with their nemesis. Victimized persons exhibited emotional instability, low self-esteem and high levels of anxiety. Cyberbullying can be prevented by teaching netiquette, educational training in schools and educating teachers of symptoms that students might exhibit as a result of bullying. What is Sexting? Siegle (2010) states, “Sexting, which is sending or forwarding nude, sexually suggestive, or explicit pictures on a cell phone or online” (p. 15). Sexting like Cyberbullying is denigrating, embarrassing and impersonal. More females comprised this form of bullying because of their actions and their immaturity. Some females in a

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