Daisy Buchanan Character Profile

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Daisy Buchanan 1. Basic Overview of significant information about Daisy’s life. Daisy Fay was born in Louisville, Kentucky into a wealthy and upper class family. She lived a life of luxury from birth and was extremely popular, especially among men. At eighteen she met and fell in love with Jay Gatsby, who lied about his social. When Gatsby had to leave to participate in the First World War she quickly moved on and met Tom Buchanan. Two years later Daisy and Tom were married and living in Chicago. One year after this, they have their daughter, Pam. As Nick describes, “they has spent a year in France for no particular reason, and then drifted here and there unrestfully wherever people played polo and were rich together.” By 1922, (the year that the novel is set) Daisy, Tom and their daughter live in East Egg, Long Island. When Daisy and Gatsby meet up again after almost five years, they have a brief affair, which ends with Daisy running over Myrtle in Gatsby’s car. After this, she lets the blame fall on Gatsby, which results in his death. As the novel comes to an end, Daisy simply moves away with her family leaving the past behind. 2. Daisy’s ambitions and dreams. You must support your ideas with textual evidence. Daisy’s dreams seem limited to the reader, as she does not express personal thoughts often. What the reader comes to understand about Daisy, is that her dreams involve having an abundance of money, being adored by those around her and having a good social life. Jordan’s flashback gives further insight into Daisy as a character. When Gatsby leaves for war, we find out that soon afterwards she moves on and gets married. Jordan says, “I thought I’d never seen a girl so mad about her husband.” (Page 75) This displays her attitude towards men, as she was able to love another man quickly after Gatsby as soon as she realized Tom was

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