Dante vs Chaucer

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Mid Term Essay The two literary icons I chose to do the comparison and contrast portion of this Essay on are; Dante Alighieri (1265 – 1321) and Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 – 1400) who compositions were similar in theme, but significantly different in style. In analyzing Dante’s The Divine Comedy and Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, the common theme I found in each of these epic poems is the author’s firm grasp of human nature and their ability to humanize the character(s) in each of their works. In each of these classics, Dante and Chaucer masterfully animated not only the central character but their supporting characters as well. Their ability to taking the reader on a journey that is both believable and relatable is the main reason both of these epic poems continue to be held in such high regard. In addition, both Dante and Chaucer wrote their works in the vernacular or the commonly spoken language of the times. Although their works are similar in theme, they significantly differ in style. Dante and Chaucer used two completely different writing styles in composing their works. Dante was the first to use what is called Terza-Rima, an interlocking three line rhyming verse stanza while Chaucer used what is known as a Heroic Couplet. This style was constructed by using sequential pairs of rhyming iambic pentameter lines. Similar in theme, but differing in style, Dante’s The Divine Comedy and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales were, and still remain some of world literatures most renowned works. I feel there are two possible underlying themes of the Iliad. They are; the blind need to achieve a goal at all cost and the bitter sweet result of achieving that goal. Although the story is centered on the events surrounding the siege of Troy, the subject of this poem is the anger of Achilles. First against his fellow commanders and princes, then against Hector for kill his

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