Db123 Personal Finance

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After Praveena has paid back her parents she should save the surplus amount of money of £281 per month after 12 months she would have saved £3372. This would be in her best interest in case of any unexpected events. After Praveena’s gross salary halved from £1626.00 to £813.00 her net wage would be £749.70. Her friend Natasha who will share her flat and bills earns £1000 before tax this calculates as £876.86. Both monies pooled together after taxes add together the sum of £1626.56. With outgoings at £1140 and £1625 pooled together there is a difference of £405 which split between the two girls would be a total of £202.50. Using the online household equivalence calculator this compensates Praveena’s loss of income by 37%. Case study 2 Casper is in the process of paying for his holiday which will cost him £2000, he is considering what to do? If Casper decided to take out a loan that charges 20% APR over one year for the amount of £2000 over 12 months he would expect to pay £183 per month for 12 months with interest of £205. (candid money calculator accessed 28/7/11) If Casper makes the decision to use his credit card and he borrowed £2000 over 2 years at 15% APR his total monthly payments would be £96.08 per month, the interest would calculate to £306 this would be a total repayment of £2306 over 2 years. (candid money calculator accessed 28/7/11) Comparing the ‘loan’ to the credit card loan, Casper would pay his debt back quicker but at nearly double the price of the credit card loan, the advantage the credit card loan has, his monthly installments will be half of what the ‘loan’ but at 2 years rather than 1 year. Question 2 In question 2 of this essay I shall attempt to answer questions on expenditure and budgeting, giving a brief example from the study of the personal finance course book DB123 and the transcript of the dvd accessed on the Open University website.
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