Decriminalization Of Marijuana Research Paper

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PHL 612, Section One Philosophy of Law Winter 2013 ESSAY ASSIGNMENT Guidelines and Parameters DUE DATE: Thursday March 28 RECOMMENDED LENGTH: 1750 - 2250 words (Approximately 7 - 9 pages) LOGISTICS: Essays may be left in the DROP BOX for the Philosophy Department on the Fourth Floor of Jorgenson Hall until the end of the day (be sure to clearly indicate the name of the instructor and the course code on the FRONT of your essay, and keep a copy for yourself for assurances), or handed in to the instructor at her office (if in the office during that time) or before or after class. PLEASE NOTE: Electronic submission will only be acceptable for meeting the deadline; a hard copy of the essay must be received by the instructor for purposes…show more content…
Embedded Questions: What arguments do the litigants provide in favour of the decriminalization of marijuana? What are the philosophical implications of the debates over potential decriminalization of marijuana? Which theories or principles are the most justifiable in the context of that debate, in your view? In light of those theories or principles, should marijuana use be criminally prohibited? Why or Why not? Which portion of the reasoning in the case provides support for the position you are arguing for, and how does it do so? [R. v. Malmo Levine and R. v. Caine (combined…show more content…
Does the essay delve into the subtle nuances and complexities of the varied interpretations of the theories and the principles, and demonstrate their relevance to the issues at stake? ANALYSIS and ARGUMENTATION - Does the essay contain elements arising from the exercise of one own’s judgment and insight? Does the essay show evidence of careful and thoughtful interpretation, and critical evaluation, of competing claims and arguments? Does the essay provide analysis – not just description? Description reports what happened; analysis explores how and why. Does the essay contain sufficient demonstration of critical argumentation, setting out claims, addressing objections and counterclaims, and presenting an integrated, coherent and cogent line of reasoning? CONTENT - Does the essay develop a clear and coherent focus, and make evident use of concepts and theories from course materials (including articles and powerpoint presentations), in order to demonstrate a very good grasp of the selected course materials? Does the essay show a sophisticated understanding of the relevance of the selected course materials to the issues under
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