Democracy Provides the Most Just and Efficient Form of Political Rule. Assess Whether Plato Has Shown This Claim to Be False.

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Plato expressed disdain for Athenian democracy in the republic. He criticised it in relation to the will of the people and the purpose of the state. He uses several similes to illustrate the problems he views with democracy and even how they can be fixed. In the Ship and the state Plato says that a state is similar to a ship. Plato describes a ship captain as bigger and stronger than any of the other sailors on the ship however he also say that this captain is a little deaf and short sighted. This ship captain represents the people as it is their job in Athenian democracy to make laws. This captain however has many of his sailors quarrelling as they all believe that they have the right to steer the ship, despite the fact none of them have been taught the art of navigation and assert that it cannot be taught. They then bribe the captain and conspire to get the helm of the ship and reward those that help them with titles such as able seaman; should any sailor not gain command of the ship they will attempt to kill he who has so that they can mutiny and take control. The sailors are the politicians who are only motivated by self-interest so only want control of the state of Athens. They will achieve this by persuading the people, who cannot know any better, so that they can have power and leave the state without purpose. Plato believes that the ship (and the state) has a higher purpose than just a drunken pleasure cruise. Here Plato is clearly showing that the model of democracy used in Athens at the time does not fulfil what he believes is the purpose of the state. He also shows that the people cannot know what is good for them in the long run and will only chose politicians and laws that seem a good idea at the time, without considering the consequences. Plato also illustrates this flaw in politicians and the people in simile of the powerful beast. He describes the

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