Derek Jeter: Becoming a Legend

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David Huffman Dr. Kersh Composition 1 15 June 2012 Derek Jeter: Becoming a Legend When you think of baseball’s greatest shortstops, many names come to mind; Nomar Garciapara, Jimmy Rollins, and the great Ozzie Smith are some of the few at the top of the list. It would be impossible to make this roster without including a man who many consider to be the greatest player to ever step foot on the diamond. This man is Derek Jeter. Jeter is a member of the most well known and historic baseball program, The New York Yankees. Derek Jeter has made a name for himself and the Yankees through his inability to accept defeat and a will to win like none other. Jeter is not only an inspiration on the field, but in the public eye as well. Derek Sanderson Jeter was born on June 26, 1974 in Pequannok, New Jersey. Jeter was born to a white mother and a black father. The Jeter’s were not a very wealthy family, leaving Derek with little access to fields and old equipment. Even during his childhood he suffered scrutiny and racism from people in his community. Many people would be put down by such harshness and hostility, but Jeter only used it as motivation to become better. Growing up, Jeter loved to attend baseball games at Yankee Stadium with his father, and it was here that he developed a passion for the game of baseball and his dream of one day playing for the Yankees. Many young boys Jeter’s age dream of playing sports for their favorite team, but the chances of their dream being realized is one in a million. Jeter was the one. Everyday, Derek would come home after school and go straight to the baseball field where he would hit off of the tee and roll himself ground balls. This dedication molded Jeter into a premier high school baseball prospect. From an early age, Jeter showed that he had all the makings of a baseball great. In his senior year at Kalamazoo Central High

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