Destruction Of Sparta

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Background information: The Spartans' tyranny paved the way to Leuctra. Ever since the Spartans triumphed over Athens in the Peloponnesian War, and even more so after the Corinthian War, Sparta had become more and more tyrannical. The most hated action of the Spartans was when they placed a government of their own in city, ruled by a harmost, an administrator, who was backed up by a garrison of 1,500. When the King’s Peace, the peace treaty that ended the Corinthian War, came into effect it broke all the leagues and made every city in Greece independent of each other. Sparta was to make sure it stayed this way. Instead Sparta abused her power and used her new found position of world policeman as an excuse to go in and establish a harmost whenever…show more content…
Sparta’s power and influence had all but disappeared. With the destruction of the Spartan power at the battle of Leuctra the decade of Theban hegemony had begun. Leuctra was a defeat for Sparta, but it was not this military defeat which resulted in the end of Sparta. Thebes undertook several offensive actions in the Peloponnese during its leadership of Hellas. This resulted in the founding of an Arcadian League under the leadership of the new found city of Megalopolis. Most important however was that Thebes refounded Messenia as an independent state in 369 after many years of helotage. Sparta sank to second-class among the Greek Poleis, and this allowed Thebes and Athens to pursue their rivalry in the vacuum created by the sudden disappearance of Sparta. After the battle they sent heralds to Athens proclaiming their victory over the Spartans, but Athenians were not satisfied with the turn of events. Now they had a new superpower a few miles from Athens. They also sent a herald to Jason of Pherae in Thessaly. Jason upon hearing the news said he would come quickly in Thebes with triremes, but instead with great speed and passing through enemy territory he arrived in Boeotia. There the Theban leaders proposed him to attack the encamped Spartans and her allies. Jason and Epameinondas refused and managed to persuade them to let them go and thus saving Spartans from a bigger catastrophe.5…show more content…
"History of Sparta." History of Ancient Sparta. Web. 18 Mar. 2012. . 5Martijn Moerbeek. "Warfare." Monolith. Web. 18 Mar. 2012. . 6"Battle of Leuctra." Ancient Greek Battles. Web. 18 Mar. 2012. . 7"The Rise and Fall of Sparta." Ancient Greece. Web. 18 Mar. 2012. . Pictures cited First picture, page 2, (Cavalry charge during the Battle of Leuctra) Second picture, page 3, (Outlay of the battle ground and ground forces) <,_371_BC_-_Decisive_action.gif > Third picture, page 4, (Spartan army preparing for war) Works cited "Battles: Battle of Leuctra." Wildfire Games 26 April 2006. 18 Mar. 2012. . "Battle of Leuctra." Ancient Greek Battles 2006. 18 Mar. 2012. . "Battle of Leuctra." Ancient Greek Battles. 2006. 18 Mar. 2012. . "The Fall of the Roman Republic by Tons | Battle of Leuctra." Object Moved. 18 Mar. 2012. . Moerbeek, Martijn. "Warfare." Monolith. 21 January 1998. 18 Mar. 2012. . Papakyriakou, Ellen. "History of Sparta." History of Ancient Sparta. 15 October 2011. 18 Mar. 2012. . "The Rise and Fall of Sparta." Ancient Greece. 18 Mar. 2012.
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