Detox Foot Bath

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Ladies and gentlemen, For this moment, I would like you to imagine, one fine morning. You woke up you walked towards the mirror, and suddenly you shouted a loud; you were surprised to see your face. There were dark circles around your eyes that make you look more like a panda than a human, pimple around the forehead and nose and your skin looked dull. Are you wondered what had happened to you? You forgot that the day before, a year ago and when you were young, you had done a lot of things that contributed to the change in your now. Congratulations! You are one of the whole human populations on earth that has been stuck by toxin overload problem. However, there are alternative remedies that can be used to solve this problem that is by using the detox foot bath. I have personally experienced the Detox foot bath, and I did additional research about it for this speech. Today, I would like to talk about the benefits of detox foot bath in terms of physical benefits, mental benefits and sexual benefits. Ladies and gentlemen, One of the benefits of Detox Foot bath is the physical benefits. Detox Foot bath can make a person used it lose weight. As you can see on the screen the picture of before and after the detox foot bath treatment, how does the Detox Footbath machine work and lead to the weight lose? Simple simply put your feet in the water before that don’t forget to fill the basin with water, turn on the machine and add salt. Why is salt added to the water? Water is a poor conductor of electricity on its own. After 3-5 minutes, the water started to change but the duration of times takes for water to change is slightly different for each person because its depends on our current metabolic rate. Metabolic Rate is the rate at which the body burns up calories. If it is high, the water will change faster and vice versa. On the other side, you can see the result after the
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