Digestive Lab Report

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BIO 132 Digestive Physiology PRELAB questions What is the purpose of this laboratory? These experiments will examine the effects of enzymes, variable ph and temperature on ingested starch, fats, and proteins in the digestive system What are the products of digesting: Starch? Glucose Fats? Fatty acids and Glycerol Proteins? Amino Acids What is an enzyme and how does it work? An enzyme is a protein that acts as a catalyst to speed up a chemical reaction. There is a unique activation site on each enzyme, which has a specific shape. This shape enables the enzyme to “fit” with certain substrates. When the enzyme binds with its specific substrate, new products form but the enzyme remains unchanged. This enables the enzyme to repeat the same process again and again. What is denaturing and what does it do to an enzyme? Denaturing is the alteration of a protein or nucleic acid shape to the extent that it loses some or all of its function. Enzymes will change their shapes if stressed by factors such as pH or temperature change and lose its ability to react correctly. What is a buffer and how does it work? A buffer is a solution that can resist pH change when acidic or basic components are added. It is able to neutralize small amounts of added acid or base, which allows it to maintain the relatively stable pH of the solution. Buffers work by having molecules bind to free H+( acid) or OH- ( base) to reduce the acidity or basicity of a solution. Why are we using buffers for the pHs of 7 and 9? Buffers are being used for the pH of 7 and 9 in order to maintain a constant pH through the reactions and ensure proper functioning of the enzymes. Without buffers the pH would change and we would not get correct results for our simulated digestive system reactions. Benedicts Solution Iodine Litmus Cream Biuret Reagent What do these

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