Does Law Change Society or Do Society Change Law

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There are many different views about whether Law changes Society or whether Society changes Law. Everybody is different therefore how people interpret the laws we have and what they expect from them will determine whether law has a bigger impact on society changing or if society has a bigger impact on law changing. Ever since people began to live together in society laws have been necessary to hold the society together. In my opinion laws bring about social change more than social change brings about law. Lets look at the Occupational Health and Safety regulations that came in effect in the 1970's. Before 1970, no such laws existed for the protection of employees against workplace safety. Employees had a choice: They could continue to work under dangerous conditions, risking their lives or they could move to another job. Before the occupational health and safety act creation in 1970 on average 14,500 people were killed by industrial accidents every year and many more suffered debilitating illness caused by work-related incidents. Some statistics indicate that the incidence of industrial-related death and injuries have dropped by as much as 62% since the occupational health and safety act was put in place by President Richard M. Nixon. Before OSHA, If a person was killed or injured on the job their may or may not have been an investigation. The clear impact of OSHA can be seen on a daily basis. Many lives have been saved and many people live to see retirement because workplace safety and health standards have been put in place. Even though workers deaths, injuries and illnesses are noticeably lower today than 40 years ago, they are still not low enough. This means that OSHA must carefully target its efforts and leverage it resources. One way we do that is through targeted inspections and penalties. The maximum fine for a serious violation is $7,000 — a small

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