Duty of Care Diploma in Health & Social Care Level 2

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Diploma in Health & Social Care Level 2 SHC24 Unit Ref:H/601/5474 Duty of Care : 1. Understand the implications of Duty of Care: 1.1. Define the term ‘Duty of Care’ : The term duty of care means that we have a responsibility to those we support and the people we work with to ensure that they are safe from harm or the risk of harm in the environment that they are living or working in. There are times when individuals may want to do something which could be a risk to their Health and safety. As a carer you have a duty to that person to keep them safe at the same time you also need to respect an individuals rights and choice, so you do all that you can to keep them safe. 1.2. Describe how the duty of care affects own work role: During your everyday work as a carer/support worker there are many practices that are carried out with individuals according to their support plans. it is our responsibility to see that these practices are carried out according to what is written down in the support plans at all times to ensure the health & safety of those we are working with and that no individual is put in a situation where there is a possibility of them coming to any harm. The same applies to working times just because your shift ends at a certain time there may be a time where you will need to remain on shift if a fellow worker has failed to turn up for work or there has been an emergency situation . You can not just walk away because you have a duty of care towards those you are supporting to make sure that their support is maintained until you are relieved by another member of staff. 2.Understand support available for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care: 2.1. describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individuals rights: As stated above there are many practices that are carried out with individuals
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