Enduring Love Literary Analysis

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The effect of the broken vase and how it links with Cecilia’s interpretation of her relationship with Robbie. History of the vase: A vase in general maintains the life of flowers, which represent beauty in The vase is made of Meissen porcelain. ( symbolic for aristocracy. The uncle died carrying the vase home ( ornament of the family ( represents Robbie’s struggle? the vase = nourishment, what keeps the flowers alive, source of life. Uses of a vase: container. Signifies Cecilia and Robbie’s relationship through 3 different stages. 1). The breaking of the vase symbolises a twist between their relationship, how they used to be close but now, it is broken. Collapsed love, Cecilia lost faith in Robbie. “if he wanted distance, then…show more content…
(press) Good afternoon everyone, today, I would like to deliver my IOP presentation on Atonement, particularly “the effect of the broken vase, and how it links with Cecilia’s interpretation of her relationship with Robbie”. In the end of chapter 2 of the novel, an incident occurs, in which Cecilia and Robbie accidently break a precious vase, that has been passed down through generation in the Tallis’ family. McEwan is successful in using the image of this vase, to foreshadow the obstacles in the conversation’s foundation, of this 2 main characters. (press) First of all, I’d like to introduce you to what a vase is, in general, and what it does. A vase is usually used for displaying flowers, or it can also be a decorative container. As it is used to display flowers, by containing water for the flowers to gain growth, a vase could be an image of nourishment, a source of life. Also, when it is used as a decorative container, it enhances the beauty of the house, therefore it could be representative for ornament. Through all of these images above, a vase almost could be seen as a powerful and elegant object, that deserves

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