Eng 102

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Trishtanya Jones June 5, 2015 Eng 102 I will be discussing the following terms on pages 66-77. One of the following terms is rhythm; rhythm is the pauses in a poem and the pattern of stresses. In addition, meter is the fixed and recurring rhythm in a poem. To enjoy the rhythms of a poem, no special knowledge of meter is necessary. In the book, it mentions when analyzing a poem, it helps to have a clear sense of how the rhythms works, and the best way to reach it is through scansion. Scansion helps you scan a line or a poem by indicating the stresses in it. A great force given to one syllable in speaking than is given to another is stress or accent. There are four types of meter—iambic, anapestic, trochaic, and dactylic. Each of them…show more content…
Open form used to be called free verse (describes poetry that organizes its lines without meter). Symbol is a visible object or action that suggests some further meaning in addition to itself. Conventional symbols are also part of the language of poetry. Questions 1. What, specifically, does the speaker fear when he thinks about his death? The speaker fear that he will never live to trace their shadows with the magic hand of chance. 2. What connection between poetry and love does the poem suggest? The connection between poetry and love this poem suggest is that when you fear yourself about death—you will think of everything. Before he die he would like to experience love, as in the last line it says “Till love and fame to nothingness do sink”. 3. Do you see a turn of thought in this sonnet? At the conclusion of the poem, does the speaker resolve his fears? Yes, I do see a turn of thought in the this sonnet, and yes he…show more content…
An explication should not be confused with a paraphrase, which puts the poem’s literal meaning into plain prose. An analysis separates a poem into elements as a means to understanding that subject. Some possible choices are tone, literal meaning, imagery, figures of speech, sound, rhythm, theme, and symbolism. Comparison and contrast places two poems side by side and studies their differences and similarities in order to shed light on both works. When writing an effective comparison and contrast paper involves the following steps; pair two poems with much in common, point to further unsuspected resemblances, show noteworthy differences, and carefully consider your essay’s organization. It also mentions how to quote a poem; in quoting a poem if you quote fewer than four lines of poetry, transform the passage into prose form. If quoting four or more lines, set them off from your text, and arrange them just as they occur on the page, white space and all. When omitting words from the lines you quote, indicate the omission with
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