English 1302 - Proposal Analysis Essay

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Research Project Proposal Essay For my research project I will be covering the works of Edgar Allen Poe, primarily focusing on his poem “The Raven”. The reason for my interest in Poe and his works is primarily because his life had a huge impact on the tales and poems he wrote and in a weird perspective; the hardships he experienced in his life can be seen as his “inspiration” for his work. Poe, who died at an early age of only 40, went through many hardships during his life. First losing his mother at the age of only 2 years old, Poe never really got to know his mother as many of us do today. His father died shortly after and Poe suffered greatly during his life not being able to claim to have “known” his parents. Poe did indeed gain another motherly figure, Francis Allen, who also ended up passing away early in his life. He also was faced with the challenge of losing his wife. Poe lost some of the most important people in a man’s life, the women they love. Out of the supplementary of works Poe had written, I personally had found his poem “The Raven” uniquely interesting because it closely expresses the devastation that Poe went through throughout his life. In the poem, the narrator who we never are told a name, is obviously troubled. The narrator, sitting alone, is greeted by a raven that he sees not just as a measly bird, but more than that. He feels that he has just come in contact with a higher power, another entity trying to contact him. The narrator, who was suffering from the loss of Lenore, seemed to manifest this bird into a spiritual being. We can assume this comes from the extreme loneliness the narrator feels after his loss. In a way, the narrator uses the bird as an outlet for his emotions instead of himself. The setting is dark and gloomy, which isn’t a surprise in Poe’s works. The conversation between the narrator and this strange entity
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