Ernest Hemingway Soldiers Home Analysis

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Soldier's Home Home is something that people search for, long for, and sometimes even abhor. Many think that is only where you lay your head. Ernest Hemingway proved it’s not that simple to a soldier. Home was unchanged physically to Krebs. It was still his hometown after he returned from the war. It was still in Oklahoma. The war had not touched his home with battles and engagements. It was still where his family lived. His bed was still in the same room and in the same house. However, the boy that returned to this house did not have a home any longer. He could still lay down his head at night, but his mind could not rest now. He knew he had changed, but he didn’t want to. During the war and after, his experience affected him to such a great deal that he could then not even pray. Many people lose their belief in God. There was much more to this loss for Krebs however. We are led to believe that his mother was deeply religious. How hard it would have been for Krebs to disregard in public his animosity towards God now. Anyone can pray out loud and not mean their words. Their faith cannot be seen to other people. Therefore, Krebs went along with this formality of praying with his mother for her sake, not his.…show more content…
It is about where his home now was and his longing for it. Home is important, but it is something some people never find. Even if they do find it, their definition can change. Krebs’ definition had changed. Many think of family when they think of home. Krebs’ family seemed as if they had found their home. Their reluctance to let Krebs borrow the car symbolized their unwillingness for Krebs to change. Letting him borrow the car would mean to them that he was now an adult and that would mean he would eventually leave. They wanted to forget about his war experience as much as possible. That is why they would not ask him questions regarding the war. Their happiness meant more to them than Krebs’

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