Essay Comparing "To Coy His Mistress" and Sonnet 116

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Sonnet 116 is a sonnet written by Shakespeare about love. It is not a piece of literacy about love like most others however ; the norm is to write about a lover, told by the speaker, however in sonnet 116, the speaker is explaining love in general, love as a concept. He explores the meaning of love and what affect external factors have on love, if any at all. It is very much about the nature of love. The sonnet is devised into three stanzas; each stanza has four lines ending in a rhyming word. The sonnet follows an AB AB CD CD rhyming scheme. The last lines of the sonnet are a rhyming couplet. This couplet at the end draws the reader’s attention as it is different from the rest of the sonnet; Shakespeare wants our attention drawn to these two lines as they are a defensive statement by the writer saying that he is right until proven wrong and that if he is wrong, then he never wrote and no one has ever loved. This is a very effective way of saying that love is true. Shakespeare also uses the language in each line to emphasise the fact that love is unreactive and is not changed y external factors. For example, “looks on tempests and is never shaken”, he is saying that love can see storms and not be affected. This is a good use off a metaphor to emphasise the power of love. He wrote as well that a price cannot be put upon love; “whose worth’s unknown”. This can have a positive effect on people’s comprehension at the point Shakespeare is trying to make, as everything these days has a price, so something that is priceless should be something amazing and sought after. To His Coy Mistress explains love in a completely different way. The subject of the poem is a man trying to get his mistress to sleep with him and he is using metaphors about love and time to try and convince her to ‘seize the day’. The fact that it is a man telling a woman that they love each other and

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