Essay On African American Imperialism

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Imperialism The forceful act of a powerful country taking control of a smaller, less powerful country is called Imperialism. When this act is committed natives are forced give up their freedom to self-govern and change their way of life. Imperialism has been a part of history throughout the world for thousands of years and is still prominent today. Countries like the United States and Great Britain have been known for their imperialistic ways. Imperialist actions can affect the entire world; there has been very few positive effects but large number of negative effects. Overall, Imperialism is an atrocious action a country can execute. First, Imperialism was one of the reasons World War one was started. During the early 1900’s Africa was a…show more content…
When the British conquered parts of Africa, some of the natives were transported to the United States where they were forced into slavery for the remainder of their lives. The slaves were treated horribly by the plantation owners. Some were even killed for not working hard enough. Even after slavery was abolished African Americans were still seen as inferior to whites. Blacks during the early 1900’s had to with stand segregation and discrimination in the United States. Imperialism is wrong and not beneficial for the smaller countries. A majority of the top superpowers of the world use imperialism to generate money for their country. The want to deplete the smaller countries of their cash crop for their own selfish wants and needs. The superpowers believe that the more land you have the more power or influence you will have. Imperialism has shown a history of killing and enslaving millions of innocent people. The Bengal Famine of 1943 and slavery in the United States will always be a part of history. Works…show more content…
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