Essay On Everglades National Park

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Everglades National Park Mother Nature has brought into existence some unique areas around the world. The third largest national park is located in the state of Florida, U.S.A and it is called Everglades National Park. Man has never been happy to leave the natural preserved in the state which it was discovered; they always have to change it to suit their likes and dislikes. And the Everglades National Park is one that was almost destroyed by man. According to Everglades National Park (2011),“It has been declared an International Biosphere Reserve, a World Heritage Site and a Wetland of International Importance, only one of three locations in the world to appear on all three lists,” (Ecosystems, para 1). Everglades National Park was created to protect fragile ecosystems that are home to 350 species of birds, 300 species of fresh and saltwater fish, 40 species of mammals and 50 species of reptiles. This may sound like a lot but before man came in and…show more content…
The fresh water sloughs are the most common ecosystem in the Everglades (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2010). These drainage channels or water channels flow an estimated 100 feet per day. From these sloughs groves or prairies of sawgrass grow up to 6 feet or more in height. In these sloughs also grow broad-leafed marsh plants and has become known as the “River of Grass”. There is also what is called freshwater marl prairies which are similar to sloughs but do not have the slow water movement, water seeps though the calcite muds hence the name marl. In this marl are the microscopic organisms that form periphyton. Now besides the damning of these sloughs; the alien invasion of exotic plants in the Everglades causes the biggest threat to the indigenous or native plants in the everglades. Some of the birds that feed from these sloughs are what is called “waders” and these are the heron, egret, roseate spoon bills and the ibis to name just a

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