Essay On How To Promote Equality In Health And Social Care

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CU1532 – Promote Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1.1 –Diversity - Means more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference. Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment. Equality – The equality and human rights commission enforce that individual’s human rights are met and protected against the 7 grounds. These are, gender, age, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability and gender reassignment. Equality means giving equal rights and opportunities to access education, employment and the community life. Inclusion - Each individual has the right to be included in society and to not be segregated under any of the protected 7 grounds. 1.2 - The potential effects of discrimination can vary depending on how long the discriminating behaviour has been going on, for example the beginning stages of being discriminated against can lead to low…show more content…
Even if an individual will always choose to spend time on their own it is nice to be asked and to be told what’s going on even if they choose not to take part. We have a wide range of activities within Hollybank and there is something for everybody and they choose t It is extremely important for all members of the staff team to follow all codes of practice and to comply with all legislation including diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination as failure to do so can have some negative effects on the individuals within care. The individuals could receive care in ways which are unsafe and not in the best interests of the adult. If a staff member was found breaking these rules by not following guidelines and procedures it can lead to a disciplinary as it could give off a reputation of bad practice for the whole company attend at the own
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