Essay On Learning To Read And Write

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The Process of Learning to Read and Write As hard working students we know about the importance of reading and writing. Reading and writing are our regular work as well as that in order to be able to fully understand and focused in education, we should follow the basic rules and regulations in learning how to read and write, the type of reading where a reader uses different types of reading techniques. However, every reader and writer has their own style of reading and writing. Many people can grow their strategies in learning because they have their own unique styles of reading and learning. In “Learning to Read and Write,” Frederick Douglass has states that the power of knowledge is very important in our life. The challenges he had to face in his condition of being a slave since…show more content…
They were success in their life by showing their effort, motivation, determination, and focused in learning how to read and write. They never give up in their hard time and they were supported by someone or something. They would study the dictionary and spend countless hours struggling to understand the basics. They would imagine the words into the pictures. Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X get success further on their lives. Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X is the great and inspiring person in the world. They are also an example for us to improve our learning process in our life. While learning the stories written by Frederick Douglass and Malcolm X, the lessons I have learned from them is to take the advantage of educations that I have received from school, college, professors, and from my friends. Encourage your self-education by yourself, and do not expect from others to force you to learn. The power of knowledge is very essential, so think with a positive mind to get better and be free in your

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