Ethical Tensions Between Maintaining Confidentiality And Sharing Information Essay

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Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed in own Job role. As Manager it is part of my job role to be able to communicate in different forms and use different methods, as being able to communicate well builds trust and relationships. I have to communicate with the senior management team, external agency’s, families, staff and residents. I regularly have to assess the way I use my communication skills depending on who I am communicating with, this could be in groups like staff meetings and resident meetings or on an individual basis for example supervisions, appraisals, face to face. It is very important to me in my role as manager that I am aware of the individuals preferred method to communicate and also to support them to be able to…show more content…
They can provide faster responses and the retrieval of information. Propose improvements to communication systems for partnership working Explain legal and ethical tensions between maintaining confidentiality and sharing information When sharing information it is my duty of care and responsibility to safeguard residents and staff privacy also to protect from harm. There are laws and standards that I have to follow. The key ones are; The data protection Act – processing data on others The Human Rights Act – the right to respect and privacy The freedom of information Act – the right to ask for information held on you The disability Discrimination Act 2005 – ensure the disabled have equal access to the same quality and range of services Public Interest Discloser Act 1999 – people can raise concerns ( ‘whistle Blowing’) Analyse the essential features of information sharing agreements within and between
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