Examine the Key Features of the Cosmolgical Argument

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Alex Griffiths AO1: Examine the main features of the cosmological argument (21) AO2: Comment on the view that the weaknesses of the cosmological argument show it is a failure (9) The cosmological argument is an a posteriori argument based on the existence of the universe. The argument is based on the fact that the universe exists but is also based on the assumption that there must be an explanation for its existence and that this explanation is infact God. Thomas Aquinas is the scholar behind this argument and he believed that everything we observe today has a first mover and therefore there has to be a first cause (a first cause) in order for the universe to exist. The argument concludes that this first mover is God. Infinite regress is rejected by this argument, it argues that there has to be a first cause, and explanation for the existence of the universe. One main feauture of the cosmological argument is the argument of motion. St. Thomas Aquinas studied the work of Aristotle (a Greek philosopher) and from this he concluded that objects are put in motion by another object or force, for example a series of dominos will knock eachother over if one falls, but the first domino has to be knocked over for this to occur, and this could be a humans influence pushing the first domino over for example. This human would therefore be the first mover of the sequence. However St. Thomas Aquinas believed it is illogical to think that their wasn’t an uncaused first cause when we look at the creation of the universe as it is ludicrous to believe it is a never ending sequence of events. We can tell this as St. Thomas Aquinas said “In the world some things are in motion. Now whatever is moved is moved by another. But this cannot go on infinitely (rejecting infinite regress)…. Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover, moved by no other, and this everyone
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