Example Of Hypnoanalysis Essay

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“Choosing one of the case studies that you developed within your group during the class. Explain the cause of the persons symptoms and construct a hypnoanalysis treatment plan and required outcome.” “Mr B came to me for help with a fear that had been installed in him since a young boy. He grew up with 2 older sisters who use to pick on him a lot. He recalled going on a family holiday abroad when he was 8 years old. Whilst on holiday they went on family boat trip. It was Mr B’s first experience in being out at sea. Mr B and his 2 sisters decided to play in the sea with a blow up boat that their parents brought them to share. Whilst they were playing, his 2 sisters ganged up on him. He felt rather venerable due to the fact that he was recovering…show more content…
I describe to Mr B that there are three kinds of phobias: simple phobia, social phobia, and panic attacks. Simple phobias, also called specific phobias, are fears of a specific thing, such as spiders or being in a closed place. Most simple phobias develop during childhood and eventually disappear. Specific phobia is a marked fear of a specific object or situation. Everyone is unique and phobias are all different in some way. But, whatever the phobia, there are several major steps that can be taken using a combination of hypnotherapy tools to beat the fear. I believe Mr B has Aquaphobia, this is an abnormal and persistent fear of water often caused by a negative past experience. Sufferers from aquaphobia experience undue anxiety about encountering water. This phobia can become quite irrational if left untreated. All a phobia needs to get started is a negative experience followed by subsequent avoidance of similar situations. Avoiding the situation 'rewards' the fearful behaviour with temporary relief. The sub-conscious mind encourages us towards this 'rewarding' behaviour and hence escalates the fear with every avoidance until a full blown, panic-inducing phobia is

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