Examples Of Indiscipline Problems In Vietnam

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What disciplinary problems became more widespread and evident within the armed forces during the latter stages of Vietnam? Why did these problems exist, how were they handled, and what was their overall impact on the war at large? Approaching the end of a purposeless, wasteful, undefined, and futile show of power, armed forces personnel understandably became restless. Compound with leadership disorderliness, indiscipline spread quickly amongst the ranks. Beginning with mere lack of proper grooming standards; as sympathetic solders of the antiwar movement lacked proper haircuts, displayed peace medallions, penned “UUUU” on their helmets meaning “We are the Unwilling, led by the Unqualified, to do the Unnecessary for the Ungrateful.” Desertion rate was at an all-time high, for all services during the Vietnam era and more so around the world. This therefore hampered the armed forces…show more content…
Realizing that the homeland was withdrawing from the war, soldiers became edgy. As put by Lieutenant Frank M. Campagne, “Nobody wants to be the last man in Viet Nam Killed.” Furthermore soldiers lacked inspiration and a sense of purpose. Leadership went out of their way to impress superiors with increased body count by slaughtering innocent civilians including women and children. A study ordered by Military professionalism concludes “in pursuit of selfish career goals, senior officers sacrificed integrity on the altar of personal success. They became preoccupied with trivial short term objectives even through dishonest practices and compelled subordinates to lie, cheat, and steal to meet the impossible demands of higher officers” (Millet, Maslowski & Feis, 2012, p.561). The administration ‘s solution to the problem was, treatment by psychologist, drug counselors, detox specialist, rehab people, social workers, and psychiatrists(Millet, Maslowski & Feis, 2012,
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