Examples Of Information Systems Briefing

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Information Systems Briefing Tiffany Swartz HCS/438 Wayne Allen July 16, 2012 Introduction In today’s world technology is in a constant cycle of change; and, especially in the healthcare profession, information technology is growing at a very rapid rate. The implementation of health information systems is essential to increasing patient safety and the growth of any organization. The process of acquiring an information system can be lengthy; however, it is important to find a system that will fit the needs of the organization and stay within budget. This paper will discuss that process based on the organization’s goals and objectives. Process The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is essentially…show more content…
It is important that the organization first look at the expense each type of system requires and what the budgeting needs are for the facility. The organization should have clear and concise budgeting guidelines prior to negotiations with outside companies. Also, the organization must look at the needs the system will fulfill. Is the system being implemented as an electronic medical record, computerized physician order entry system, personal health record, or some other type of system? Is the system being implemented to enhance or replace the system being used currently? Will the current system support the changes being made? These are all questions that the organization must answer prior to the selection process to ensure that the system being purchased will be the most specific to the needs of the organization. Lastly, the organization needs to consider the users of the system. The system should be that which can be easily learned by the staff and physicians, because these are going to be the people that will be using the system on a daily basis. The needs of the staff must be met to ensure cooperation in learning and using the system to its…show more content…
First and foremost are the patients and public, because they are the heart of the organization. It is important for the organization to consider the effects that a new system will have on the patients. There will always be some sort of learning curve when implementing a new system; therefore, the implementation may cause a negative reaction for a short amount of time. Also, the organization must look at the physicians and staff. It is necessary that the system be easy for physicians and staff to use, while also functioning at the level the staff needs to do their job efficiently and effectively. Lastly, the organization must consider the rules and regulations set forth by the government in such guidelines as HIPAA. The system must provide the organization with the security needed to provide patients with the security that is mandated. By looking at all of these stakeholders and answering the needs of the organization, the system can function properly. Conclusion In conclusion, there are many aspects that an organization needs to consider prior to purchasing any health information system. The type of system, the goals of the organization and the role each of the organization’s stakeholder’s play in the process all need to be considered before selection and implementation can begin. When all of these areas are addressed and are answered the organization can
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