Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird is a book which highlights the injustices that were prevalent in southern life in the early 1900’s. In the south, racism towards African Americans was completely accepted. Back then, people had a different view on what was unjust that what many Americans of the south have today. The book gives us different viewpoints on what may be just or unjust, justice may even be illegal. A few things that I think are unjust in the book were Tom Robinson’s trial and the teachers. Some things that are just in my eyes but were not legal was when Boo Radley killed Mr. Ewell, it was just because he saved Jem and Scout’s lives, but unjust because he did not abide by the legal system. First, Tom’s Robinson’s trial was completely unjust. Tom Robinson was falsely convicted of rape. He was wrongfully convicted by an all-white jury, which at that time, racism was the norm. The jury would never accept a black man’s word over a white women’s, in spite of the proof. One reason you could tell that Tom Robinson did not commit rape was because he was physically incapable because of his broken arm. Mayella and her father were clearly lying about the rape, but Tom was not released.…show more content…
Readers should learn from this book that it is not okay to judge a person until you truly know them. It's unfair to tell someone that they cannot sit in the front of the bus or drink out of the same water fountain as another person. All people have color to their skin and people shouldn't judge others because of it. This book teaches the readers that killing an innocent person isn't right and that you need to have evidence before you harm someone. We still red this book today because it show what goes on when civilized people don't do things right And not to kill someone who is only there to help and not harm. Just like the Mockingbird who only sings to entertain people and not to annoy

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