Explain How Your Chosen Mentor Artist’s Conceptual and Material Practise Links to Your Body of Work

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Explain how your chosen mentor artist’s conceptual and material practise links to your body of workExplain how your chosen mentor artist’s conceptual and material practise links to your body of work My chosen mentor artists Edvard Munch and Kathe Kollwitzboth have a strong impact on my conceptual and material practice. Munch’s conceptual intention of finding purpose in life by creating artworks that explore life and death, loss, sickness and pain has made a big impact on my Body of Work. His material practise contains distortion of space would be a great way to present my ideas and also his use of aggressive brush techniques interest me and have become an essential part of my body of work idea. His most famous artwork and the one that has influenced me the most was The Scream, 1893 and I have also adopted ideas from his painting Vampire, 1893-1894. Similarly, Kollwitz’s theme of adversity and its effects on people have also inspired me. Her artworks created using etchings and lithographs with charcoal over the top have really influenced my own material practise and I wish to pursue that in my body of work. Her conceptual practice her artworks has inspired me as they contain a lot of expressive emotion and mood which is a key element that I would like to capture in my artworks. The artwork that inspired me the most and that got me interested in Kollwitz initially is Woman with dead child, 1903. For these reasons, Munch and Kollwitz have greatly influenced my material and conceptual practise for my Body of Work. Firstly, Munch’s theme of finding the purpose of life by exploring life and death, loss, sickness and pain has influenced my conceptual practice. These themes have influenced me to develop my body of work exploring the issue of death, loss and sickness. My Body of Work aims to capture the effects adversity has on people by looking at these three themes By

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