Explain The Importance Of Multi Agency Teams In Health And Social Care

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E1/E2 There are three different types of settings which provide care and education for children. These are the statutory sector, the voluntary sector and the private sector. The statutory sector comes under government or the local education authority and they are required by law to provide some form of statutory services. They are funded by the state. Education (schools) and childcare (nurseries) is mostly the concern of the local education authority. (Beaver M, Brewster J, Green S, et.al 2008, p4) Schools and nurseries aim to support children and their families by providing a childcare service throughout the day. Nurseries help young children to develop their gross motor skills through play and teach them to interact with other children.…show more content…
Everyone is different and have each have individual strengths and weaknesses an advantage of working in a team is individual staff weaknesses are balanced by other team member’s strengths. Another advantage of working as a team is all the skills by all members are used to conclude the best solutions. Different professions have different knowledge of children and this knowledge is shared in a multi agency team for the benefit of the family and children. Child care workers work as a team with agencies such as Social Services; they co-operate and use this service if the welfare of the child is in any form of danger. Professionals working in a multi-agency team must work in a holistic way with children and their families with other agencies and other professionals. When working in a team they have many common issues. They all follow a common aim or goal. Each member of the group needs to know what the aims are and everyone should be involved in making decisions. Member of the group help to support and motivate one another. Having trust and transparency is a must and both a necessary when working in a multi-agency team. Good relationships when working in a team are necessary and any likes or dislikes should not interfere. Every member of the team should feel free to openly express their opinions without any fear of being verbally attacked, punished or ridiculed by anyone. Children and…show more content…
The teacher’s role is to promote learning using the children’s interests to develop the curriculum. This means the teacher is not actually teaching the class or leading the class like most teachers. The teacher is promoting the specific learning skills that they want the children to learn but allowing them to run the classroom while giving them guidance. Every child has different ways of learning and a style in which they like to learn. The teacher must ensure they are reaching all of these different types of learning styles. Everything should revolve around the child and its individual needs. This is also known as the ‘holistic approach’. In the early years setting this approach to teaching focuses on the child’s needs and interests and uses it and teaches them what they are required to learn and helps the child to discover their full
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