Explain the Key Features of Legislation and Regulations on Health and Safety and How They Are Applied to Working Conditions Within a Selected Organisation

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Health and safety is the regulations and procedures intended to prevent accident or injury within a work place or other public environments. There are several rules and regulations regarding health and safety, and they contribute to working conditions within an organisation such as Sir George Monoux College. They must ensure they maintain a high standard of health and safety for the protection and safety of their employees and students. For example, a legislation set by the government is the Management of Health and Safety at work regulations 1999. This law was authorised in the year of 1999, and is an essential part of an organisation. The objectives from this regulation are to encourage a more systematic and more organised approach to dealing with health and safety in all workplaces. Abiding by this law will help businesses to avoid damaging publicity as well as the cost associated with injuries and accidents. An example of this is the operations manager within the college that maintains the high standard of health and safety. This ruling will impact Sir George Monoux College and their health and safety policies, this is because they will need to ensure they are meeting the requirements of Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations 1999. This will influence their financial decisions because the college will be required to finance the standards of health and safety regardless of price. Another example of a legislation set by the government to ensure safety for internal users of a business is the Health and Safety Act 1974. This law is an act to make further provision for securing health, safety and welfare of an employee at work, and to protect them and others against risk of health and safety in connection with activities at work. The main objectives from this regulation is securing the health, safety and welfare of person’s within the working

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