Explain What Is Meant by Moral Absolutism

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Explain what is meant by moral absolutism Moral absolutism also known as moral objectivism is the belief that there are fixed universal laws which are true irrespective of time, place and situation. This belief is that an action can be intrinsically right or wrong in itself, and this is not dependent on outcome, culture or time. Moral absolutism is a priori and objective; based on facts and logic, and on the most part deontological. It is always right or wrong. It is important to note that although all moral absolutists agree that there are fundamental ethical laws they disagree on the origin or authority of these laws. They may be religious or like Kantian ethics based on God and the existence of natural law. In general there tends to be a consensus that Absolutism comes in three distinct types. Platonic Idealism is the first significant example of absolutist theory. This theory is referred to as the theory of forms, the forms are eternal constants which give meaning to the world. As the highest form the Form of Good links other forms together and gives humanity ethical wisdom. Religious absolutism, as mentioned previously, can be found in many forms all of which believe in a set of absolutes. Donnelly and Finnis argue that humans also have intrinsic and absolute rights but differ over the extent of these. Absolutism is a theory which although may not seem fashionable is evident in many people’s views and opinions. It also is a theory which allows there to be a shared understanding and values which enables a dialogue between societies. It also allows clear judgment and legislation of acts which are deemed wrong, although this could be misused. In summary absolutism is a matter of right and wrong with no
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