Explain What Organizational Method Works Best with Each Rhetorical Mode

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Associate Program Material Appendix C Rhetorical Modes Matrix Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device. |Rhetorical Mode |Purpose – Explain when or why |Structure – Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in | | |each rhetorical mode is used. |method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. | |Narration |To tell a story. It tells the |Chronological order works best with |-Start by asking yourself if | | |story step by step. A narrative |narration; it unfolds the events from first |you want to write a factual or| | |can be factual or fictional. |to last. |fictional story. | | | | |-Strong details are crucial so| | | | |when creating them keep the | | | | |human senses in mind. | | |To show or demonstrate something|Order of importance is used with illustration|-Use evidence that is | |Illustration |clearly. It plainly demonstrates|essays. You can start supporting your main |appropriate to your topic as | | |and supports a point through the|point with your strongest evidence first, or |well as appropriate for your | | |use of evidence. |you can start

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