Explain Why Effective Communication Is Important in Developing Relationships with Children, Young People and Adults

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Effective communication is fundamental in developing positive relationships with children, young people and adults alike. In the role of Classroom Assistant it is vital to develop good, appropriate relationships with pupils, colleagues, parents and any other professional third party agencies involved in a child’s care and education. To provide a conducive learning environment, adults in the classroom must work together by communicating clearly and professionally with each other, both verbally and non-verbally. This will avoid confusion and inconsistency during lessons. For example I find it essential to discuss the day’s lesson plan and targets with my class teacher. This gives me clear guidance and an objective when working with pupils, of what support I need to give in order to achieve the day’s targets. In the school environment, I am aware that I am acting as a role model to the children. How I communicate with colleagues, parents and pupils will reflect on how children will then communicate. It is important to adapt the way I communicate, because different audiences require different communication styles so that I can be understood easily. For example, how I would communicate with a child compared to an adult will be in more simple terms, without jargon. Visual pictures can help children with particular special educational needs. I would repeat instructions to help pupils take on board the information. I would then ask if they understand and perhaps ask a child to repeat the information to ensure my instructions have been clear, concise and understood. Having good appropriate communication skills with children and young people will help develop good relationships. Some children may lack confidence, If I could find a common interest that could be used as a conversation starter, this could help build and improve a rapport, and as a consequence the child

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