The Vacuum Poem Analysis

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An Explication of Howard Nemerov’s “The Vacuum” “The Vacuum” is about an old man grieving his deceased wife and what his life has become, messy and incomplete, as hinted by the poem’s title “The Vacuum”. The poet used many figurative speeches such as personification and alliteration in the poem. These speeches help readers relate to the old man’s feeling more easily. The title “The Vacuum”, makes readers think of the appliance, however, it has more than one meaning. It is a pun created by the poet. The word “vacuum” means, according to the Oxford Dictionary, “a gap left by the loss, death and departure of someone significant” or the appliance vacuum cleaner. The death of the speaker’s wife leaves a “vacuum” inside his heart, because he…show more content…
It is evident in line 14-15, “And still the hungry, angry heart [h]angs on and howls, biting at air.” The repetition of the consonant “h” sounds create a sharp rhythm, making readers relate the alliteration to the stabbing pain of losing someone close. In addition, the assonance creates a sense of sadness and sorrowfulness. The words “now” in line 1 and “soul” in line 7 echo with the sound of a howl and there is another example of assonance in line 13 “I know now how life is cheap as dirt”. Aside from alliteration and assonance, the poet also used short and sharp words in the poem, such as “cheap as dirt” and “biting at air” to convey “emotions of long sorrow mingled with sharp, painful stabs.” Besides, there are long sentences in this poem such as the second stanza. The whole stanza is syntactically one sentence. It creates sadness and the hurt the old man experiences after the death of his…show more content…
It is mostly made up of slant rhymes, such as “mouth/youth” and “dirt/heart”. The only proper rhyming words in this poem are “stair/air” in the last stanza. This kind of rhyme scheme gives out a sense of messiness and incompleteness, just as the old man’s life has become after his wife passed away. To conclude, the vacuum in the poem symbolizes the death of the old man’s wife. As his wife often used the vacuum cleaner for housework before she died, the appliance reminds the old man of his late wife. The old man connects the vacuum cleaner to the memories of his wife as a remembrance. The poet used multiple poetic devices and figurative speeches to create an atmosphere of sadness, loneliness and
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