Family Ties In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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Family Ties in the Lottery The Lottery by Shirley Jackson begins with a gathering of all of the people living in a small town. We are deceived into believing that this quaint town meeting is just another ordinary, commonplace meeting of all of the townspeople. There seems to be a spirit of goodwill and camaraderie amongst the people. There are many details that lead us to believe that in this town, families are very close. The children are gathered together playing, the men gather to talk, and the women gossip together. This shows us that it is a very “tight knit” town. We also see that each family is close. “Soon the women, standing by their husbands, begin to call their children” (Jackson 388). The closeness of the townspeople contributes…show more content…
Hutchinson says to her husband, “Get up there, Bill”(391). Once all of the families had drawn, and the lottery “winners” were chosen, the atmosphere of support completely changes. Mrs. Hutchinson claims that Mr. Hutchinson was rushed, and that it was not fair. She then tries to make her daughters, who are now married and who enter the lottery with their husbands, draw with the Hutchinson family. Instead of having close family ties as before, Mrs. Hutchinson now tries to better her odds by endangering her own daughters. The women in the crowd tell her to “be a good sport”(393). Instead of standing with their friend, they expect her to accept the outcome of this random chance draw, that left her holding the slip of paper with the black spot that meant she was to die. The entire town, including the rest of the Hutchinson family, proceeds to choose stones from the pile, previously gathered by the boys, and stone Mrs. Hutchinson to death. This small town seems to be the ideal place to live. The children play together, the men talk together, and the women gossip together. The people are all very close and trusting of one another, giving the town the appearance of being a safe and lovely place to live. Once a year these bonds are broken as one unlucky person draws the slip of paper with the black spot from the box and is killed by everyone they loved and

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