Faulkner And Anne Dillard Essay

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As a writer, you have certain responsibilities that you should always keep in mind while writing. Anne Dillard and William Faulkner explain what they believe their duties are as writers. Dillard explains a couple different duties that she believes she should always show in her work. Faulkner enlightens us on one main responsibility you should have as a writer. Though, their “duties” may be completely different, each makes their writing all the more better. In Anne Dillard’s To Fashion a Text, she told her readers right away that she wasn’t going to write an autobiography, because it would be dull to read. Dillard knows that her work must be interesting in order for the reader to continue reading the piece of work. To make sure her writing…show more content…
“The poet’s, the writer’s, duty is to write about these things.” These things that Faulkner is speaking of is all the emotions that a human experiences. The writer’s duty is to take those emotions and use those when he writes. That the writer must write about the man not only enduring, but prevailing. They must write about the man’s soul; being capable of compassion, sacrifice, honor, pride and endurance. They must write in such a way that helps the man. “The poet’s voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail.” The writing must help him get through life, so to speak. Faulkner believes that this is what any writer’s duty is. In conclusion, Anne Dillard and William Faulkner have their own distinct responsibilities as writers. Dillard believes she must make her writing interesting, if it is dull people won’t read it. She also knows she must decide what to put in her writing and what to leave out, depending on how people would react to it. Faulkner doesn’t even think about that kind of stuff, he believes you should write about the emotions we experience and “help him endure and prevail.” Each of these duties are completely different, but yet, they both make sense and to help them

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