Fdr's Response To The New Deal

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On Black Tuesday the stock­market crashed and it began the Great Depression, and Hoover was expected to put the nation back on its feet, but he failed. Roosevelts New Deal during the hundred years was the solution to the people’s call. Roosevelt's administration was effective in curtailing the Great Depression, solving disputes occurring during WWII, and it left a lasting legacy in the role of the federal government by creating lasting programs, satisfying many of the needs of the citizens and increasing the federal government power. Roosevelt's administration was successful in slashing the Great Depression by leaving a lasting legacy in the role of Federal government by creating lasting programs, satisfying many of the needs of the citizens.…show more content…
Such as the abandonment of gold standards which currently exists and it allowed to have more money to be put in circulation. The Fair Labor Standards act which established a maximum normal workweek of 40 hours and a national minimum wage of 40 cents/ hour which still exists. The SSA still exists which combated the widespread poverty among senior citizens. The social 2 3 security act also insured 26 million American workers against income loss from unemployment. 4 The New Deal brought feelings of optimism, with Fire side chats which gave people a sense of optimism for their nation by gaining confidence and this worked because the people started to withdraw more from banks. He also restored the nations trust by bringing immediate relief as known as “pump priming” 5 FDR wanted people to enlist for war that forces which recognize the value of discipline and can teach each other which showed patriotism. The New deal did not bring a revolution but it did continue an 6 evolutionary change it not only created an avenue for industrial workers to achieve better representation but it also created an avenue for industrial workers to achieve better representation by also
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