First Charge Of Socrates

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Andrew Helm Philosophy Paper 1 The purpose of this essay is to prove that Socrates is not guilty of the charges brought against him. I will do this by giving a posteriori and a priori piece of evidence for each charge. Socrates was charged with both being an atheist as well as corrupting the minds of children. Socrates immediately is able to make his case on trial, as he gives real life examples of none other than himself referring to spirits. Soon after, we are able to find that spirits are the children of god. A man can not accuse another man of not believing in a god when he refers to the existence of god’s children. If one were to dig a little deeper however, Socrates also states that the ideas he comes up with, are actually ideas he passes on to the inquiring minds in future generations. The ideas all came from scrolls of respected men in the culture they live in. Socrates also admits the obvious in the passage by saying because he has not experienced the after-life, he is not able to pass judgment on what is to come. After thoroughly defending himself against his first charge, Socrates takes a stab at bringing light to the second charge as well: Corrupting the…show more content…
This happens to occur all throughout history however. Rather it be slavery, women’s rights, or even technological take over. Few people it seems are ever truly able to move forward in the world. They also are the people who cannot seem to adapt to our ever changing world. However, perhaps if we were to slow down the minds of the brilliant inventors, and take the time to enjoy the stuff we have, perhaps this world would be a better place. Perhaps we would be able to take more pride in the materials we have, then having to buy the newest table every three months. Perhaps satisfaction would once again be a realistic feeling to
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