First Country Concert Review Essay

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As I walked into the Adam Center on October 4, I was unsure of what I would find as I attended my first country concert. We walked in past hundreds of people all dressed alike in flannels and wide brimmed hats; cowboy boots and worn jeans flooded into the concert hall. Lights beamed from the stage and old country songs, barely audible above the roar of the crowd, filled the arena, mixing with the sounds of an anxious crowd. We navigated to our seats and settled in as the lights dimmed and the audience came to a stagnant hush. Suddenly, in a blare of drums and guitars the stage became the center of attention as Uncle Kracker took the stage. Running through a set list of his most popular songs, the audience parroted back the lyrics as he moved around the stage in an obvious show of his years of experience as a performer. I am not a fan of Uncle Kracker’s music and his performance did not change my opinion. Uncle Kracker and…show more content…
Screaming fans almost overpowered the sound coming from the stage. I’m not a huge country fan but I had heard Aldean’s rendition of the song and I honestly thought that Gilbert performed it much better. You could feel the emotion seeping from the stage and the way he performed it with so much feeling; it was immediately obvious that he was pulling from his own experiences rather than singing meaningless words written by someone else. Giving the audience a change of pace, he slowed the tempo midway through the show and sang some acoustic melodies. The audience swayed under the dimmed lights to the tempo as he sat in the middle of the stage, he and his guitar the only presences on the stage as a filler light cast his shadow across the floor. Here he was able to showcase his true mastery over the guitar. I found the acoustical set not as entertaining as the rest of the concert. Most of the songs sounded too much alike for my

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