Flour Baby Essay

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This flour baby project has enlightnened me on adult life and parenting itself. Teaching me that having a baby is way more than just dressing him/her upon in cute clothes and playing around with the baby. I learned about the patience one has to have to take care of another human being. The expenses dedication and responsibilities one has to have and give up in order to raise a child. All the more reasons why teen pregnancy isn’t the best idea. Now a days people have this big misconception that having a baby is going to be so fun! No. This flour baby project taught me that a having fun with the baby is a small percentage of taking care of him/her. From being up all night with my child crying to taking her to the hospital in the middle of the night. In this experience I was no longer on my own agenda, I was now on my childs time. This is the sacrifice you will have to make when having a child. Im not saying having a baby is like hell, but you have to balance out the pros and cons when making such a life changind decision. This project proved to me that having a child as a young adult is wouldn’t work for me. Having a child opened my eyes up to show me that I am actually taking care of another human being. How can I take care of another person when I can barely keep up with myself? I feel like you have to know your baby more than you know yourself. Things like why the baby is crying, when is he or she is hungry, or when the baby is ready for a nap. You have to think for two people more so the baby than yourself. Attempting to juggle school, work and a child would be extremely stressful for a young adult. Having a baby isn’t always a bad thing though. Although the baby isn’t real during the project I grew relationship with the flour baby. Once I had it for a couple days things started to get easier. After you know your baby and how she or he reacts to thing, what she
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