Franz Kafkas Metamorphisis Compared To Surrealist Art

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Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis and L'Ange du Foyer ou le Triomphe du Surréalisme by Max Ernst are works of different mediums that help to convey similar themes. Both of these are works by masters influenced by the ideas of Dadaism, surrealism as well as expressionism making them very abstract pieces. In each the subject is depicted as some kind of “vermin” that causes grief as well as suffering themselves. The reader of Kafka’s story as well as the viewers of Ernst’s painting are meant to feel the isolationism of the subjects of the works. These works are both clearly influenced by the events of their time and these works are their reactions and feelings to the struggles faced by them. Because of the roots of the works in surrealist type movements, a sense of absurdity is contained within them. Gregory Samsa, Kafka’s subject, is transformed from a hardworking human male into an unnamed vermin and becomes appalling to his family. The depiction in Ernst’s painting is some type of deformed demon being torn apart and appears to be suffering with other creatures being torn from it. Neither of these could ever actually occur in the world, showing the authors contempt for reality and inflammatory attitude towards rationalism. The “vermin” portrayed are shown to cause grief to those involved with them as well as suffering internal strife. Samsa’s transmogrification forces all of his family members to work in his stead. They are also needed to care for Gregor in his new state, which causes him grief when they shun and attack him. The demon of Ernst’s piece his shown stomping over mountains causing damage to the world. The beast is also shown as having a smaller demon branching off of it and attacking itself, being understood as a struggle against itself and its ways. The conflicts caused are similar themes between the works and show complimentary ideas of the
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